


SDT Ultrasound Solutions 的 ON-GUARD 是一種自動精密潤滑系統,旨在確保關鍵生產設備正確潤滑。

透過密切監測摩擦程度,ON-GUARD 知道何時自動、精確地為軸承注入所需的潤滑脂,使其恢復到最佳工作狀態。因此,維護和可靠性團隊可以節省昂貴的潤滑脂和寶貴的時間,同時提供最關鍵旋轉機械狀況的持續回饋。

ON-GUARD 透過 CONMONSENSE 感測器與您的關鍵資產進行通信,CONMONSENSE 感測器是世界上最精確、用途最廣泛的接觸式超音波感測器。CONMONSENSE 可持續監測摩擦水平,並將資訊回饋給 ON-GUARD 基於瀏覽器的整合軟體。從而提供維護和可靠性團隊可以信賴的準確、可操作的最新數據。 SDT 的 LUBrain™ 潤滑演算法驅動 SDT Ultrasound Solutions精密潤滑設備。它能不斷從歷史數據中學習。當與 ON-GUARD 結合使用時,LUBrain 能夠根據需要自動、精確地注入潤滑脂,使資產恢復原始油膜和表面分離。 ON-GUARD 每個系統最多可監控和潤滑 8 個獨立位置。每個系統配備 8 個 CONMONSENSE 4-20mA類比感測器、8 個注油器和 8 條配對感測器的屏蔽電纜 + 一組潤滑分配線,長度從 5 公尺到 30 公尺不等。這使得SDT Ultrasound Solutions的 ON-GUARD 在安裝更為簡單。
無論使用者目前身在何處,都可以透過網頁瀏覽器方便地查看整個過程。 ON-GUARD 可透過整合的瀏覽器儀表板持續監控摩擦等級和其它的一些參數。 根據您的資產和組織配置系統。完全自訂注油器容量大小、注射量和速度、測量擷取模式(手動或 LUBrain)和時間。觸發選項還可指定警報和資產在觸發注入前必須處於警報狀態的時間。

透過 ON-GUARD 壓力測試擷取畫面,您可以一目了然地全面了解您的系統。 ON-GUARD融合了自動化、精確測量和專利的數據驅動決策,讓您高枕無憂。



The ON-GUARD communicates with your critical assets through the CONMONSENSE Sensor, the world's most accurate and versatile contact ultrasound sensor. The CONMONSENSE continuously monitors friction levels and relays that information back to the ON-GUARD's, browser-based, integrated software. Thus providing accurate, actionable, and up-to-date data that maintenance and reliability teams can trust. SDT's LUBrain™  Lubrication Algorithm drives SDT Ultrasound Solutions Precision Lubrication Devices. It continuously learns from historic data. When combined with the ON-GUARD, the LUBrain is capable of automatically and precisely injecting lubricant as required, restoring a pristine film and separation of surfaces to the asset. Operators of the ON-GUARD also have the ability to manually inject lubricant as needed. 

The ON-GUARD monitors and lubricates up to 8 separate points per system. Each system comes with 8 CONMONSENSE true 4-20mA sensors, 8 lubricators, and 8 sensor paired shielded cables + lubrication distribution lines all varying from 5 to 30 meters in length. 

Installation is easy with the ON-GUARD from SDT Ultrasound Solutions. 

Operators can view the entire process from the convenience of their web browser, no matter their current whereabouts. The ON-GUARD continuously monitors friction levels & a number of other parameters from the integrated browser-based dashboard. Configure your system to your assets and organization. Fully customize cartridge size, injection quantity & speed, measurement acquisition mode (Manual or LUBrain) & time. Triggering options can also specify alarms & the amount of time an asset must spend in alarm before an injection is triggered.

Gain a comprehensive view of your system at a glance with the ON-GUARD Stress Test Snapshot. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with ON-GUARD's blend of automation, precision measurements, and patented data-driven decision making.