產品介紹∣ETS2-73 Eddy Current Double Rail Flaw Detector

ETS2-73 Eddy Current Double Rail Flaw Detector
Eddy Current Double Rail Flaw Detector

【OKOndt Group】超音波、渦電流探傷儀 渦電流探傷儀

ETS2-73 Eddy Current Double Rail Flaw Detector



ETS2-73 is the mechanized scanning device for the manual testing by eddy-current method for presence of the surface cracks.


Durability and reliability of rails in-service play a decisive role in railroad industry that is due to the fact that the development of the defects and breach of strength characteristics of the rails can result in their breakage or even lead to crashes. Operation of rails within many years has shown which types of defects are mainly developed in them (see UIC Code 712 R) and, of course, it can have a crucial effect on the railroad traffic safety.

OKOndt GROUP, in order to provide for the monitoring procedure, as well as to evaluate the railway track rails condition, has released 16-channel double rail eddy current flaw detector ETS2-73.

Eddy current double rail flaw detector ETS2-73 refers to the mechanized scanning devices designed for manual testing by the eddy current method to detect surface cracks. Application of this flaw detector ensures timely inspection of the rail head for presence of such defects as quenching cracks on the gauge corner of the rail head.


  • ETS2-73 flaw detector allows to perform the eddy current testing of rails in accordance with EN 16729-2 Non-destructive testing on rails in track - Part 2: Eddy current testing of rails in track requirements
  • Possibility to test both the rail track and rail switches
  • Selective testing of particular sections of the rail track
  • Testing and evaluation of the surface defects presence after grinding machines
  • Testing of all major rail profiles: 49E1(S49), 54E1(UIC54), 60E1 (UIC 60) and others.