產品介紹∣ETS2-77 eddy current single-rail 8-channel flaw detector for track inspection

ETS2-77 eddy current single-rail 8-channel flaw detector for track inspection
eddy current single-rail 8-channel flaw detector for track inspection

【OKOndt Group】超音波、渦電流探傷儀 渦電流探傷儀

ETS2-77 eddy current single-rail 8-channel flaw detector for track inspection



The ETS2-77 is intended for the mechanized inspection of rails and switches as well as confirmation of the results of a grinding application. The device is capable of testing a wide range of rail profiles.


ETS2-77 purpose
The ETS2-77 is intended for the mechanized inspection of rails and switches as well as confirmation of the results of a grinding application. The device is capable of testing a wide range of rail profiles.

The eddy current technology enables localizing the following surface defects:

  • progressive transverse cracking (International Defect Code (UIC) 211);
  • fissuring /scaling at the gauge corner (International Defect Code (UIC) 2223);
  • shelling of the gauge corner (International Defect Code (UIC) 2222);
  • field flow or field cracking (International Defect Code (UIC) 225).

The eddy current rail inspection equipment ETS2-77 evaluates the vertical depth of the defect, thus allowing a more efficient management of rail defects. The inspector can easily decide on the appropriate defect removal method: grinding, milling or re-railing, which saves time and money.

possibility to control the rail track and the track switch;
selective control of the separate rail track areas;
post grinding machines control;
all main rail profiles controlР50, Р60, 49E1, UIC 60 and others.