產品介紹∣電磁鐵/線圈磁鐵 5201

電磁鐵/線圈磁鐵 5201
5201 Horizontal Projected Field

【GMW】電磁鐵、磁場量測 電磁鐵|線圈系列

電磁鐵/線圈磁鐵 5201



  • 提供平行於表面的磁場(Bx)
  • 寬敞的工作環境
  • 體積小重量輕方便安裝在任何空間
  • 最大磁場:±0.4T (與z軸位置有關)
  • 電源供應:±20A, ±20V
  • 系統包含:電源、水冷、溫度interlock、操作軟體
  • 可自由編輯供應磁場的大小、波型、時間
  • 更可以自行定義實驗集
  • 在大電流的供應中,定溫度Interlock確保實驗的安全
  • 可搭配GMW定位控制系統,能精準控制x,y,z,θ

  • 提供平行於表面的磁場(Bx)
  • 寬敞的工作環境
  • 體積小重量輕方便安裝在任何空間
  • 最大磁場:±0.4T (與z軸位置有關)
  • 電源供應:±20A, ±20V
  • 系統包含:電源、水冷、溫度interlock、操作軟體
  • 可自由編輯供應磁場的大小、波型、時間
  • 更可以自行定義實驗集
  • 在大電流的供應中,定溫度Interlock確保實驗的安全
  • 可搭配GMW定位控制系統,能精準控制x,y,z,θ


By “projecting” magnetic field outside the Model 5201 Electromagnet, a volume of approximately uniform magnetic flux density is made available for magnetic measurements on small samples. Open access to the sample surface is available for diagnostic probes and radiation from laser and synchrotron radiation sources. The Bx component of the field is uniform to ±1% in a planar, thin volume of 2 x 10 x 0.2mm (x, y, z) which is particularly appropriate for studies of in-plane effects in planar samples oriented parallel to the Electromagnet surface. Bx can be computer or manually controlled over the range of ±0.4T (4000G) at z = 2mm from the Electromagnet surface, decreasing to a range of ±0.1T(1000G) at z = 12mm. Small size and low weight enable the 5201 to be mounted in any orientation on standard transverse and rotary motion stages for accurate control of the projected field in position and angle with respect to the sample. The 5201 projected field can be introduced into a vacuum chamber or cryostat via a reentrant tube of 100mm (3.9inch) inside diameter and an appropriate non-magnetic window.


Field Uniform Volume (± 1%) for Bx

x=0 ±1mm, y=0 ±5mm, dz=±0.1mm for z>1mm

Field Operating Range for Bx

±0.4T (4kG) at 0, 0, 2mm. ±0.1T (1kG) at 0, 0, 12mm


70 x 60 x 120mm (x, y, z) (2.8 x 2.4 x 4.7”)


2.1kg (4.6lbs)

Coils (Series Connected)

Resistance (20ºC)


Maximum Power (Air Cooled)

±5A, ±5V (25W)

Maximum Power (Water Cooled)

±20A, ±20V (400W)

Self Inductance


Water Cooling (20ºC)

0.5 liters/min, 1.0 bar (0.13 US GPM, 15 psid)




Open circuit above 75ºC coil temp.

Power Supply and Cooler


Power Supply Input

115V, 50/60Hz, 11A Max. (Other AC inputs available)

Cooler Input

115V, 50/60Hz, 10A Max. (Other AC inputs available)